A Messy Blessing

To the mom picking up her fourteenth pile of toys today—
I see you
I see your desire for order, rest, a peaceful home
I see your love for your family in your daily moments of sacrifice

As you shuffle through balloons, leftover from last week’s party, may you cultivate a heart of celebration
May your days be marked by joy, laughter, and double chocolate cake

To my chalk loving girl—
In the crafts I prepare, and the messes we make, may you reflect our creative God
May you find that creating makes your soul flourish
May you carry that knowledge for any season you feel dry

May all your bookshelves overflow,
and may you learn even now that there is always more to learn
May you forever be delighted by a basket full of library books

May you solve puzzles and problems
May you color your entire world (except not the couch again, please)
May you build towers, and a life of days lived for God
May you see the light shining on your play kitchen, and in the hearts of your friends
May you imagine new worlds, and how you can make a difference in this one
May you play all your days, even when you become the one picking up the clutter

This post is part of a blog hop with Exhale—an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, led by the writing team behind Coffee + Crumbs. Click here to view the next post in the series "Still Motherhood".


Pray the Psalms: Days at Home